How to use Internet - Paragraph - Gazi Online School

How to use Internet (Paragraph)

Internet is an international computer network connecting other networks and computers from companies, universities etc. It has brought about a revolutionary (বৈপ্লবিক) change in the global (বৈশ্বিক) information system.

Internet has been the most useful technology (প্রযুক্তি) of the modern times which helps us not only in our daily lives, but also all personal and professional (পেশাগত) lives developments (উন্নয়ন). However, If we want to use internet we should need some things including internet connectionable (সংযোগযোগ্য) device, internet connection (modem, Broadband, WiFi etc.), browser (internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome etc.), search engine (google, yahoo, etc.) web site such as- (, www., etc.) Firstly, we should connected the device to the internet. At present, mobile companies endow people with an internet connection. Then, we should open the browser and open search engine. Then we should write the web site or our needed think onto the search engine. In this way we can use internet.

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