Transformation: Exclamatory to Assertive

Exclamatory  to Assertive 

Rule: 01:  Steps: (i) Firstly, we have to write the “Subject” of Assertive Sentence Steps: (ii) Then, we have to write the “verb” of Assertive Sentence Steps: (iii) Then, we have to write the “articles: a, an” of Assertive Sentence Steps: (iv) Then, we have to write the “very, great” of Assertive Sentence Steps: (v) Then, we have to write the “Adjective” of Assertive Sentence Steps: (vi) Then, we have to write the “Remaining Part” of Assertive Sentence Structure:  Subject + verb + a/an + very/great + adjective + Remaining Part  Examples: Excl     : What a big river the Padma is! Asser   : The Padma is a very big river. Excl     : What a fool you are! Asser   : You are a great fool. Excl     : How beautiful the girl is! Asser   : The girl is very beautiful. Excl     : How charming the scenery is! Asser   : The scenery is very charming. Excl     : What a pity! Asser   : It is a great pity. Excl     : How strong the boy is! Asser   : The boy is very strong. Excl     : How fast the horse can run fast! Asser   : The horse can run very fast. Excl     : What a good idea it is! Asser   : It is a very good idea. Excl     : What a sweet voice she has! Asser   : She has a very sweet voice. Excl     : What a pathetic sight it is! Asser   : It is a very pathetic sight. Important Note: (i) In case of “How”, there will be no articles. We have to add “Very” after be verb. (ii) In case of “What”, we have to write “a very/a great” after be verb. Rule: 02: If assertive sentence starts with “Hurrah” then instead of “Hurrah” we have to write “It is a matter of Joy” and remaining parts will not be changed. Exclamatory    : Hurrah! We have won the match. Assertive         : It is a matter of joy that we have won the match. Exclamatory    : Hurrah! I got the first prize. Assertive         : It is a matter of joy that I have got the first prize. Rule: 03: If assertive sentence starts with “If” then instead of “If” we have to write “I wish” and remaining parts will not be changed. Excl     : If I were a president! Asser   : I wish I were a President. Excl     : If I were a player! Asser   : I wish I were a player. Excl     : If I could fly! Asser   : I wish I could fly. Rule: 04: If assertive sentence starts with “Had” then instead of “Had” we have to write “I wish” and remaining parts will not be changed. Excl     : Had I the wings of a bird! Asser   : I wish I had the wings of a bird. Excl     : Had I were a player! Asser   : I wish I were a player. Excl     : Had I could fly! Asser   : I wish I could fly Excl     :  Had I the pairs of birds! Asser   :  I wish I had the pairs of birds. Excl     : Had I been a king! Asser   :  I wish I had been a king Rule: 05: If assertive sentence starts with “Alas” then instead of “Alas” we have to write “It is a matter of sorrow that” and remaining parts will not be changed. Excl     : Alsh! I am undone. Asser   : It is a matter of sorrow that I am undone Excl     : Alas! We lost the game! Asser   :  It is a matter of sorrow that we lost the game. Excl     : Alas! He failed in the examination! Asser   :  It is a matter of sorrow that he failed in the examination. Rule: 06: If assertive sentence starts with “Fie” then instead of “Fie” we have to write “It is a matter of shame that” and remaining parts will not be changed. Excl     : Fie! You are a cheat. Asser   : It is matter of shame that you are a cheat. Excl     : Fie! He cannot tolerate the poor. Asser   : It is shameful that he cannot tolerate the poor. Excl     : Fie! He doesn’t respect seniors. Asser   : It is shameful that he doesn’t respect seniors. Rule: 07: If assertive sentence starts with “would that” then instead of “would that” we have to write “I wish” and remaining parts will not be changed. Excl     : Would that I could be a child again! Asser   : I wish I could be a child again. Excl     : Would that I could be a player! Asser   : I wish I could be a player.
Transformation: Assertive to Exclamatory
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