The Season I like Best- Composition

The Season I like best

There are six seasons in our country. The spring is one of the six seasons. The Bengali (বাংলা) months- ‘Falgoon’ (ফাল্গুন) and ‘Chaitra’ (চৈত্র) are called spring season. I like all the seasons but I like springs most. Spring is my favourite seasons. Perhaps  it is favourite to all. Springs come to us with many pleasant things and beautiful scenes and sounds. Coming after winter it attracts  with all. It is the best seasons of all. That is why  it is called the king of seasons. It comes with the message  of hope and joy. The poet rightly says,

“if winter comes

can spring be far behind ?”

I like this seasons for many reasons. The summer is a season of terrible (ভয়ানক) heat. Everybody feels uneasy (অস্বস্থি). During the rainy seasons roads become muddy (কর্দমাক্ত). There is water everywhere (সর্বত্র). People can not move easily. They face many difficulties. Winter is also brings troubles (সমস্যা). People shiver (কাঁপুনী) in cold. There is dense (ঘন) fog (কুয়াশা) everywhere. Everything looks hazy (আবছা/অস্পষ্ট). But spring has none of these disadvantages (অসুবিধা). It has many attractive (আকর্ষনীয়) scenes (দৃশ্যবলী) and pleasant (আনন্দদায়ক/মনোমুগ্ধকর) things. So I like the season most. After winter the spring season comes with her lovely appearance (চেহারা/উপস্থিতি). Spring is called the queen (রানী) of all seasons. It comes with her pleasant sights (দৃশ্য) and sounds. Fields and meadows (তৃনক্ষেত্র) become green. Flowers bloom (ফোটা) on different trees. Birds sing from the behind (পেছনে) leaves (পাতা). We hear the cuckoo (কোকিল) singing sweetly. There are village fairs (মেলা) on various occasions (অনুষ্ঠান). During spring season bees (মৌমাছি) are busy in gathering (সংগ্রহ করা) honey . A gentle breeze (বাতাস) blows (প্রবাহিত হওয়া). Everything looks cheerful (আনন্দদায়ক). It is also sow (বপন করা) the seeds (বীজ) of jute (পাট) and paddy (ধান)

The spring is also the season of abundance (প্রচুর) vegetables grow is plenty (প্রচুর পরিমানে). Grains (শস্য) cover the fields. Plants and trees become lively (প্রাণবন্ত/প্রাণচঞ্চল). It is also the season of fruits. Mango, black-berry (কালোজাম). Jackfruit (কাঁঠাল), lichies (লিচু) have buds (কুঁড়ি) on them. Farmers also sow the seeds of jute and paddy. Most of the village festivals (উৎসব) such as village fair, Jatra, Kabigan (কবিগান) etc. are held. It is the season of entertainment (বিনোদন) for the people. The season lasts for a very short time. During this season people suffer from many diseases. Like cholera (কলেরা), diarrhoea (ডায়রিয়া), chicken pox (জল বসন্ত/পানি বসন্ত) etc. But nothing can take away the joys and pleasure of it. Its short stay has made it dearer (অধিকতর প্রিয়) to us. Therefore (অতএব), the more spring we have in our life, the more shall we be fortunate (ভাগ্যবান).

The spring is the season of joy, comfort (আরাম), wish and vivacity (প্রাণবন্ততা/উৎফুল্লতা). Our poets have praised (প্রশংসা করেছেন) this season. Spring is the best of all season for its sights and sounds. This is why I like the spring most.

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My favourite Hobby- Composition

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