ক্যাডেট কলেজ ভর্তি পরীক্ষা, ১৯৯৫ সালের ইংরেজী প্রশ্ন

ক্যাডেট কলেজ ভর্তি পরীক্ষা, ১৯৯৫

বিষয়ঃ ইংরেজী

সময়ঃ পূর্ণমানঃ

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below.

Karim plays football. He plays for Junior Wins Club. He is a good player. He goes to the field, practices regularly and works hard to be a good player. Junior Wins Club had a match with Gazipur Kishore Club on last Friday. Each team consists of eleven players. Gazipur Kishore Club tried hard to be the winner but at the last moment Karim scored one goal. The referee conducted the match.


(a) Which game does Junior Wins Club play? (b) What made Karim a good player? (c) How many players does a football team consist of? (d) What is the function of the referee? (e) By how many goals did Junior Wins Club win?

2. Name the parts of speech of the bold words.

Dhaka is a popular city. Many people come to this city in search of work every day. It is bigger than any other city in Bangladesh.

3. Correct the following sentences.

(a) Let Karim and I go. (b) He was invited at the meeting. (c) Tell me how are you. (d) This house is built of bricks. (e) Wait here until I do not return.

4. Translate the following sentences in English.

a) মিলন সাইদের চেয়ে ১০ বছরের বড়। b) আমি একটি গল্পের বই কিনব। c) সৎ ব্যক্তি সর্বদা সম্মানিত। d) দৃশ্যটি কি চমৎকার! e) আবদুল্লাহ গতকাল বাড়ি গেছে।

5. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of verbs given in the brackets.

(a) Aren't they — a noise. (make) (b) Does he — English? (teach) (c) Have you ever — a zoo? (visit) (d) Did he — yesterday? (play) (e) We-- the match and won it. (to play)

6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate question words.

(a) — is your father? (b) -- is bigger, a bus or a car? (c) — do you love most in your family? (d) - do you come from? (e) — do you get up from bed?

7. Complete the following sentences.

(a) — delivers letters. (b) — are made of bricks. (C) We sew clothes with — and cotton. (d) When he feels tired, — (e) A butcher sells —.

8. Make sentences with the following words.

(a) Amazing, (b) Deposit, (c) Respect, (d) Important, (e) Fetch.

9. Put prepositions in the blanks choosing the appropriate one from the brackets.

(a) Maradona is known — all. (to/by/ with) (b) I talked with him — telephone. (through/ over/ with) (c) Come — Sunday. (in/at/on) (d) What is the time — your watch? (by/ at/ in) (e) Don't laugh -- the poor. (at/ to/ for)

10. Correct the following sentences.

(a) Smoking is good for health. So we should always smoke. (b) Books are harmful to health. So we should I read books. (c) It is rains more enough, there will be no flood. (d) If you don't know how to swim, you should not jump into the water. (e) Without trees and plants we can't live at all.

11. Write ten sentences of your own telling all about your mother.

12. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (a) How do you go to nearest town from your village? (b) What does a fisherman do with his net? (c) What is the main problem of a blind man? (d) Why are you taking this examination? (e) When did you come to this examination centre?

13. Match the right one from the right side with each one at the left side.

Left Right
(a) Do you know (a) is a friend in deed.
(b) I was happy (b) what his name is?
(c) He does not (C) I shall not go to know school.
(d) A friend in (d) how to make a paper need boat.
(e) As I am ill (e) to see my mother.

ক্যাডেট কলেজ ভর্তি পরীক্ষা, ১৯৯৭ সালের ইংরেজী প্রশ্ন
ক্যাডেট কলেজ ভর্তি পরীক্ষা, ২০০৩ সালের বাংলা প্রশ্ন

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